Chiropractic Massage Therapy
Massage therapy provides numerous therapeutic benefits, including relief from neck pain or back pain. Our massage technique focuses on the mobilization of the soft tissue which may include skin, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining good physical condition (less pain and higher performance).
There are many benefits of using massage therapy together with chiropractic care. They work together to provide immediate symptom relief through a hands-on, drug-free approach and allows you to MAXimize your LIFE to the fullest.
We offer 2 types of massages – Deep Tissue Massage and Superficial Massage
What is a Deep Tissue Massage
A deep tissue massage is used primarily for therapy and rehabilitation, not relaxation. Therefore, you need to realize you may feel some discomfort during the massage experience. The Massage Therapist will apply varying degrees of pressure on your muscles to relieve strain or tightness.
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage:
- Lowers High Blood Pressure
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety
- Treats Back Pain and/or Chronic Pain
- Helps Manage Labor Pain
- Decreases Arthritis Symptoms
- Breaks Down Scar Tissue
- Increases Joint Mobility
What is a Superficial (Relaxation) Massage
A superficial massage is any type of massage that works on top of superficial tissues – usually our skin. These massages are meant for relaxation purposes. While there are many different techniques massage therapists use, common superficial massages include Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Chair Massage.
Benefits of Superficial (Relaxation) Massage:
- Relieves Everyday Stress
- Loosens Tension in Muscles
- Provides Overall Good Feeling
- Boosts Energy
- Improves Circulation
Meet our Massage Therapists
Both of our massage therapists have many years of experience. Emily has been doing Massage Therapy for 12 years; and Jennifer has 25 years of experience. They utilize a variety of techniques and pressures based on the individual and then customize an approach that’s needed to get the best results.
Contact our Fishers Chiropractor office to schedule your massage.
Telephone No.317-808-5675